Displaying text labels instead of markers from GeoJSON on a Leaflet Antarctic map (part 3)


Continuing my Leaflet series, in this post I’ll be looking at loading labels from a GeoJSON file.

In part 1a I covered loading a GeoJSON file and displaying custom icon markers. This post follows a similar process with a couple of feature names & coordinates from GeoNames, instead of markers showing text labels:

  • download GeoNames file (CSV format)
  • the CSV file has lots of features (around 13,000); for this demo, I got rid of unneeded features
    • I did this in Excel using filters, leaving about 4 features
  • create a GeoJSON file from the CSV
    • once again, I did this in Excel using my favorite function, SUBSTITUTE
    • e.g. have GeoJSON text with placeholders in a cell in the top row, for instance cell G1 { "type": "Feature", "geometry": {"type": "Point", "coordinates": [{1}, {2}] }, "properties": { "name": "{3}", "description": "{4}" },
    • replace the placeholders in curly braces with values using SUBSTITUTE, multiple times e.g =SUBSTITUTE($G$1, "{1}", $A2) (this says, replace just the {1} part, with the contents of cell A2)
      • watch out for embedded double quotes
    • copy/paste the resulting substituted text to a text file, format to be GeoJSON, save

The updated map is at https://thomasswilliams.github.io/leaflet-antarctic-demo/.

Here’s the code to load the GeoJSON file and display each point as a Leaflet DivIcon:

// ************************************************************************
// load small selection of feature names from GeoJSON file and add as a layer
// each point in the GeoJSON file will be a label (text) with no marker
// feature names should not be interactive
// ************************************************************************
  // convert the response to JSON object
  .then(response => response.json())
  .then(data => {
    // create new Leaflet layer from JSON object
    L.geoJSON(data, {
      pointToLayer: (feature, latlng) => {
        // create a DivIcon at the lat/long
        // see docs at https://leafletjs.com/reference.html#divicon
        return L.marker(latlng, {
          icon: new L.DivIcon({
            className: 'feature-name-label',
            // the text of the DivIcon will be "name" property
            html: feature.properties.name
      className: 'feature-names-layer',
      interactive: false

To prevent clicks on the text labels, I disabled interactivity using CSS:

/* feature name label */
.feature-name-label {
  color: #99999a;
  font-style: italic;
  font-size: 10px;
  /* disable interactivity */
  pointer-events: none !important;
  user-select: none;

This code, and the GeoJSON file, can be found at the GitHub repo.