5 years


5 years ago I created the first post on this blog “Starting with Jekyll”.

Since then I’ve published 40 posts, from general topics, to developer-focused content, to more recently the ins & outs of being a DBA.

Some of my personal favourites to research, write and edit were:

  • “Tales from the trenches” parts 1 & part 2 – coming clean about things I mucked up
  • “My work values” – prompted by a 9 month stint as head of a small team, lots learned and a chance to put some positive practices into place
  • “Installing PM2 on Windows” – a lot of the more technical posts are me battling with unfamiliar code, then emerging at the other end with a workable solution after repeat run-throughs of “I’ll just try one more thing”. Due to the fast pace of change, searching the web can come up empty or incomplete. In a way, I’ve added to that incompleteness by posting an answer that will eventually become out of date – but my hope is that it helps others struggling with similar challenges.

Get in touch with me via Twitter (https://twitter.com/tswilliams4) if you have ideas or requests for content.