Control over what I see and what others know about me - ad-blocking and privacy - are high on my list of desired features for a browser. They’re also why I’d recommend a browser to friends and family. Chrome was my go-to browser but recent moves by Google (for instance, here and here) encouraged me a chance to look around at other options.
I chose the Firefox browser in 2019 because of their belief in privacy, positive past experience, ad-blocking, and options for computer, tablet and phone.
Moving from Chrome was simple - install Firefox, set up a Firefox Account, install extensions (LastPass, Privacy Badger, uBlock Origin, Auto Tab Discard, Gesturefy, Glitter Drag and Greasemonkey), log out of Chrome on all devices.
Do I miss Chrome? I’m getting used to the Firefox user interface and web development tools, but there’s nothing so far that requires Chrome. I still use Google web sites like Google Search & Youtube and it’s helpful to have an alternative browser installed “just in case”.