Toggling dark mode in R Markdown


In my last R post I described how to automatically detect dark mode in a web-based R Markdown file. In this post, I’ll add a toggle between dark and light mode, and store the user’s choice in browser local storage.

As before, the code in this post can be used with any existing R Markdown light theme, by overriding hard-coded colors to a CSS variable as per the last post.

The end result (at if you want to skip straight to the code) looks like either the left or right half of:

Toggle dark mode screenshot

First, the CSS is different from earlier as dark mode receives its own “dark” class on the HTML document. This simplifies the CSS while still using CSS variables (see the R Markdown file for the CSS).

The next difference is a link in the top right-hand corner which dynamically toggles between light and dark mode using javascript. The link has an id of light-toggle, adapted from code at

<!-- link to toggle between dark & light mode; default is light, so initial text should read "Dark"
     adapted from -->
<a href="#" role="button" onclick="toggleLight();return false;" id="light-toggle" class="contrast">🌗 Dark</a>

The last piece is using javascript to a) toggle the theme and b) detect dark mode using the system setting and local storage:

// function to toggle between light and dark mode
// adapted from
function toggleLight(forceDark) {
  // get current theme (default to "light" if not found)
  let current_theme = localStorage.getItem('mode') || 'light';
  // set new theme to "dark" if current is "light"
  let new_theme = (current_theme === 'light') ? 'dark' : 'light';
  // special case: if "forceDark", set new theme to "dark"
  if (forceDark) {
    current_theme = 'light';
    new_theme = 'dark';
  // HTML document element
  const htmlEl = document.documentElement;
  // add class name for new theme to HTML element
  // remove class name of old theme from HTML element

  // set local storage to new theme
  localStorage.setItem('mode', new_theme);

  // update theme switcher toggle with id of "light-toggle"
  if (new_theme === 'dark') {
    document.getElementById('light-toggle').innerHTML = '🌗 Light';
  } else {
    document.getElementById('light-toggle').innerHTML = '🌗 Dark';

// set theme on load, adapted from
// first check "prefers-color-scheme"
const osPreference = window.matchMedia('(prefers-color-scheme: dark)').matches ? 'dark' : 'light';
// next check local storage
const preferredTheme = localStorage.getItem('mode') || osPreference;
// if preferred theme is dark, force theme change, else leave as-is
if (preferredTheme === 'dark') {

As a side note, CSS and javascript can easily be added to R Markdown files using three back-ticks and a code type of {css} or {js} (add echo = FALSE to hide the code but still output it to the page).

I hope you’ll find a use for the CSS, HTML and javascript discussed in this post in your own R Markdown files.